Journeying through the archetypes

the Intuitive Business Path


You’ll learn


Casting your personal archetype wheel

mapping your life-long major archetypes can help guide you through your journey with ease and understanding


How to tell if you’ve already had an initiation experience

… spoiler alert: initiation experiences don’t always wrapped up neatly in a bow delivered by a sparkly unicorn


the 5-step archetype journey intuitive leaders experience

what to expect as you navigate through these phases — and what to be wary of!


which stage of the journey you’re entering …

and what to do to support yourself, your intuitive gifts, your community … and your bank account


Archetypes are all around us. They shape our relationships, our successes, our downfalls.

Recognizing the archetypes we hold within us at a cellular level and the archetypes that we step into as we grow and evolve can help us navigate our path with grace, love, a sense of magic, and ease. Embodying your destiny is a lot easier when you know how the story goes!

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In this masterclass, I’ll teach you all about the 5-Stage Archetype Path that intuitive leaders often experience — so that you feel prepared to answer the call and own your magic when the path presents itself to you.

I’ll also talk about the pitfalls and mistakes — the Shadow side — of these archetypes, as well as give you an idea of how to best prepare for what comes next!

Honestly, I believe that as the hero of your own story, you have the opportunity to write your destiny. To choose your future. To decide who you want to be, and to design your life. And from what I’ve seen, the more you understand your archetypes and your archetypal journey, the easier it is to do that!

I’m excited to teach you more :)

xx, Michelle