If you’re an intuitive entrepreneur or creator, you probably know exactly what it's like to feel in alignment with your sacred work in this world
But here's the thing: Just because we're intuitive, mystical people doesn't mean we're always in alignment... or that we're immune to distractions, feelings of "stuckness" or that lack of clarity that comes when anxiety starts to creep into your thoughts.
Like, somehow it's halfway through the year and you're wondering how the hell six months have gone by, and those audacious, exciting visions you had for yourself as you entered 2021? Welp, they've fallen by the wayside.
Let's be honest — the last 2 years have been an absolute mind-ferk. Even the most practiced, thoughtful, dedicated intuitive creative witches have been challenged to stay in energetic alignment as the world throws spiritual wallop after emotional sucker-punch our way.
Thankfully, there is no better time than right now (this minute!) to reclaim and recalibrate your visions for the rest of the year.
Actually though — with Leo Season impending, you're in a perfect energetic portal to shake the dust off of your visions, shine a light on your shadow, claim your magnetic Inner Gold, and quantum leap into your future.
Owning your magic gives you clarity of purpose
And it makes even the most mundane aspects of running a business utterly, delightfully magical
With ease and alignment come quantum leaps
When you get out of the way, you'll be stunned at how quickly (and simply) you can collapse your timeline and immediately embody the experiences you desire
You become deliberate, focused, and chill
Gone are the stresses and anxieties of "what next!?!?" — when you're connected to your purpose, you already know the next best step
the pathway potent, confident, ELEMENTAL power
Energetically calibrated intuitive creators don't need to push, hustle, or race to keep up.
They work with the elements and hone their natural power to get things done with ease and without wasted energy.
your sacred work should be fun
cause if it’s not… really, what are we doing here!?

The 4-Day Mid-Year Energetic Recalibration is our super mini intuitive business course for aligning your energy at this potent time so you can take the rest of 2021 in stride.
Using archetypal journeying, collapsing timelines, Jungian-inspired shadow work, intuitive business strategy, and daily elemental ritual magic, you'll finish the four-day course with a clear plan of where to spend your energy and resources for the rest of the year to alchemize your vision through purpose-driven work.
And you're busy. We get it. So each day takes ~20 minutes.
Easy breezy.
Day 1
Growth and Aletheia
The Truth is contagious. Day one, we explore the concept of aletheia and Truth as we work through exercises to own our Inner Gold. (This is the part of Shadow Work that not enough people teach and it’s SO IMPORTANT!)
Then, we approach growth in our work from a more magical, aligned, conscious place.
Day 2
Revenue and the Hidden Reveal
Learn how to raise your energetic minimum and be ruthlessly intentional with your sweet, sweet energy — which alchemizes movement in even the most stubborn revenue streams.
Day 3
Retention and Nurturing
Let’s get capitalism-critical and take a cue from Mother Earth’s moves to learn how to build sustainable businesses that are regenerative, not extractive.
Day 4
Impact and Depth
Make the quantum leap through archetype embodiment and embracing death. (Kidding! Actually wait, no I’m not 🙃)
The course includes:
Four audio lessons
Worksheets for you to keep and experiment with
Four elemental magical rituals
Lifetime access to the course content

You down to get more magical? Start the 4-Day Mid-Year Energetic Recalibration today!