Using the Moon Phases Calendar To Plan Your Creative Process


I've been exploring running a business using intuition and intellect since I started Holisticism in 2017. So far, I think it's been going pretty, pretty well.

As CEO, I've used intuitive practices to help guide every aspect of my business — from how we price our offerings to how I chose the companies we partner with

One particularly powerful tool that I use to plan Holisticism's content and offerings is the Moon phases calendar. By timing our editorial and marketing calendars to the Moon's movement, I feel like we can use some of the energy and momentum that's floating around out there to our advantage. 

What are the Moon Phases? 

I take it that if you're reading this, you're a human being with eyeballs. Playing on that assumption, I figure that you've experienced the moon change shape in the sky. Sometimes it's full. Sometimes it's a little sliver of a thing. Other times it's only half there. 

You probably took fifth-grade earth science, so you know that the Moon doesn't truly change shape; in reality, from Earth, we perceive a difference in the form of the Moon based on how much light from the Sun reflects off of its surface. 

Depending on where the Moon is in the sky, it's lit up by the Sun. The Moon's phases remind us that everything has a cycle. Life is created and destroyed, only to be created again. Winter comes, then Spring, forever and ever, on and on. (I mean until global warming takes us all out, but that's a post for another time!) 

Ancient civilizations created their calendars around the Moon. The modern month is based on the Moon's 28-day cycle. And we see how nature mirrors the Moon's cycles — plants germinate in the new Moon, and blossom on the full Moon. Women's reproductive cycles are 28 days long, too. Coincidence? I think not. 

Working with Moon Phases 

Using the Moon phases to plan your life (and work) isn't just smart — it's intuitive. Harnessing the natural flow of the Moon and the energy of the living world around us offers support in ways that you might not even comprehend at first. 

And you can use the Moon's cycles for any aspect of life: work, creation, dating, socializing, exercising. Literally! Anything you can think of, #moonphase it. 

Most people are familiar with using the full and new moons for ritual work. Full Moon ceremonies are traditionally oriented around releasing, harvesting, and gratitude. The Full Moon is when we get to enjoy the fruits of our labor, celebrate, release expectations, and move forward. In your full moon rituals, you may have written something down everything you wanted to release and burned it in the fire. 

In new moon ceremonies, we plant seeds and intentions for the future. The new Moon is a perfect time to plan and dream big, as the energy is exceptionally fertile. 

Personally, I like to use all the Moon's phases in my work. I plan our editorial calendar and product releases using the Moon phases (I'll outline below how and why it works). But I don't just use the Moon to plan big launches or events — I also take into consideration everything that's happening in the celestial forecast. Significant astrological transits have traditionally worked really well for me when I'm about to start a big thing, like a new website or product release! 

Moon Phases In Order 

There are eight phases of the Moon. You can use a moon phase calendar to keep track of them, or you can look up! 

New Moon

The New Moon is all about new beginnings, planting seeds, and laying out intentions. It's a great time to dream and manifest your visions for the future. 

I like to use the New Moon as a planning day; because it happens once a month, I'll take this day to review what's upcoming for me in the next 30 days, make adjustments to my editorial calendar, or pre-plan my content production. I batch work when creating content, so this pre-planning day is crucial for me to layout WHAT exactly I'll be creating on my Batch Days. 

Crescent Moon 

With this moon phase, we feel set into motion and propelled forward. If we planted roots on the New Moon, the Crescent asks us to step out of dream mode and into "do" mode. 

It's an excellent phase to spend really taking your dreams from pie-in-the-sky ideas to tangible reality. Imagine and flesh out more of the details of your new goals and visions. I like using this phase to edit down my thoughts and start to take steps to bring them to life. 

First Quarter Moon 

The balance of light and dark sides of the Moon feels good to us. To me, this phase feels strong and powerful — I feel like I've got the momentum and the excitement of the New Moon still powering me, but I'm ready to act on what I've spent the last few days sketching out. 

It's an excellent time to put your head down and work with reckless abandon. Don't worry about editing yourself now — the time for that will come. 

Gibbous Moon 

The Moon is almost Full — the light overpowers the dark in the sky. As we prepare for the impending Full Moon, the Gibbous offers us a moment to look back at what we've spent the first half of the month creating. 

While you've been riding high on the energy and speed of the New Moon, now is the time to exercise a little patience in your creation process. Take some time to review, edit, and hone in on your work. 

Full Moon 

Halfway through the cycle, we reach the Full Moon. The Full Moon lights up the sky and shines a light on everything in our lives; it makes it easier for us to see what's working for us ... and what's not. 

During the Full Moon, review your edits from the Gibbous Moon and release what is not serving you. That might be a potential project, an idea, or a relationship. 

In my work, the Full Moon is a time for me to ruthlessly nix projects that don't serve the growth of Holisticism spiritually or fiscally. I call this "killing your darlings," and it, to be honest, really sucks. It's hard to admit that you can't do everything, but to have a healthy business, you need to know when to kill a project that's not serving your customers or your company value proposition. 

Disseminating Moon 

As the light begins the fade, the Disseminating Moon (literally worst name, but OK) is a time for us to be a little introspective and thoughtful. The Full Moon asked us to go full-on Kylie Jenner and REALIZE THINGS — and then to act. We need a day or two to regroup and decide how to move forward. 

This is also a time of harvest. Look at your bank accounts, send out your invoices, and get paid! 

Third Quarter Moon 

We're back in balance as the dark side of the Moon begins to take over. *Pink Floyd plays softly in background* After our "harvest," we give thanks for what we've received. 

Gratitude is best expressed, in my opinion, by paying it forward. I like to plan meetings with students and collaborators during the Third Quarter Moon. By giving my time to others, I feel like I'm giving back. I also usually have something to offer whoever I'm meeting with (beyond advice, if that's what they're asking for!) in terms of contacts, connections, and support. 

Balsamic Moon 

Ah, the salad dressing moon. My favorite phase of all! Look back on all you've done in the month — man, you probably need a nap. The Balsamic Moon is a time to restore, recharge, and reflect on what you've done in preparation of the New Moon (the next phase). 

I check in with my goals and intentions during the Balsamic Moon. Did I complete everything I set out to do? What got in my way? Where could I do better? Understanding how I performed in the last 26-ish days  before the New Moon helps me stay in creation mode when the time comes to plan my next month. 


The Moon Phases can be powerful for ritual, but they can also be harnessed every single day and applied to any part of your life that you feel could benefit from a lil' boost of cosmic energy.