Self-Hypnosis — What's the Deal?


Over the last eight weeks, Holisticism has hosted a virtual wellness and well-being workshop every single Monday through Friday at 3p PDT (and sometimes on Saturday and Sunday mornings, much to my partner's chagrin.) 

To be honest, wellness curiosity has been a healer for me since I could remember. During the most difficult times in my life, my main coping mechanism has been to dive into a new book about Past Life Regression or to research the origins of Tarot. 

It's not always that I need to experience these modalities — sometimes, I just want to know that hope is out there. There's a possible solution somewhere out in the Universe. Solace is possible. 

That's why it made perfect sense to commit to hosting over 100 hours of workshops — it's how I can help my people cope. (My people being you, dear friend.) 

If you haven't tuned into our live virtual workshops yet, I get it. Adjusting to the new normal of Zoom calls for everything has been a lot. So in addition to making live workshops available for all of our friends, we've also housed the video recordings of all of these classes in our free Liminal Library

The Liminal Library is our online mothership for all the content we've created over the last eight weeks. You can join for free to start watching and learning right now! And heads up — the Liminal Library will disappear on May 31st, so I recommend joining and taking in all the juicy goodness while you still can.  

All of these workshops have been illuminating, to put it mildly. And now, two months after shelter-in-place kicked in for most Americans, we've collected a massive library of educational content on all the topics our community wanted to learn more about: 

  • Tarot

  • Astrology 

  • Soundbath and Sound Healing

  • Human Design 

  •  Intuitive Business 

  • EFT Tapping 

  • Reiki and Energy Healing 

My mind CONTINUES to be blown on a regular basis by the incredible content that our practitioners have made available to support our community during this time TOTALLY for free. Like, earth angels, amiright? 

One of our most popular workshops so far was — shocker — self-hypnosis with Maggie Saunders. Like, who wouldn't want to mind control themselves out of an anxiety-driven tizzy? Sounds like perfect medicine during this time. 

You can catch a sneak peek of this class to get a feel for what's inside — but I strongly recommend watching the WHOLE THING in the Liminal Library. Maggie brilliantly walks us through how to hypnotize ourselves, and the work is powerful. 

Join the Liminal Library for free and start learning about everything from Tarot to mysticism.