The Witch Wound: Being Too Much and Not Being Enoughness


Episode Description

According to capitalism and white supremacy, you're never going to be enough. Because if you were enough and perfect just as you are, many of the tenets of capitalism and white supremacy would crumble. In today's episode, Michelle is talking about The Witch Wound, a.k.a. the seeds of the "not enough" story that plagues modern society. Or, maybe your experience has been with the "too much" story.

Too much of X and not enough Y. No matter what your original wound is, we feel you, it hurts but we're here to deconstruct the lie, face it with compassion and send it packing!

We'd love to know, when were you told you weren't enough? Or that you were too much? Text us with your feels @ +1 818-699-9735. We'd love to hear from you!

And guess what? You're always going to be too much for someone and you're always going to be not enough for another person. That's it. Nothing about you can change, you can be the exact same person and at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter what they think.— Michelle Pellizzon

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Interested in upping your witchy content, and unearthing your blocks around worthiness? Check out "Exploring Shadow Work with Team Holisticism" where Team Holisticism talks about all things shadow work, and how to find the gems that lay dormant in the depths of our subconscious (where our shadow loves to hide!). We touch on the origins of shadow work (in the West), how our shadows show up in our intimate relationships, six rules for doing shadow work, and some of our favorite exercises.


  • [00:13] Intro

  • [00:41] Michelle’s question: What’s the thing that you grappled with the most in the wellness space? What do you find difficult?

  • [01:23] Michelle shares the unique message of one of the members.

  • [01:53] White supremacy and perfectionism as a tenant of white supremacy

  • [05:00] Not enough or too much tends to being not loved

  • [06:00] Michelle’s shares her friend concept of equilibrium is death

  • [07:19] Your work, relationships, self-image, worldview, and family, all of these things are constantly connected. It has an impact that affects each other. They can’t possibly exist separately

  • [09:00] What people think about us affects us but what matters is how we see ourselves.

  • [11:15] Michelle talks about the overview of Witch Wound

  • [12:10] The Witch hunts that happened in feudal Europe were directly tied to the organization and basically proliferation of capitalism after the primitive accumulation and how our obsession with productivity and making, “work valuable”.

  • [13:30] The Witch wound going back is this idea that as women were persecuted, that trauma of seeing other women get persecuted for speaking out and being themselves and having power.

  • [16:40] The Witch wound is deep knowing and understanding whether it’s epigenetic because it’s been passed along from generation to generation, or it’s something spiritual because it has to do with some past life.

  • [17:40] This Witch wound is being too much, and we must release and let go because we have no other choice.

  • [22:07] Instead of being perfect in the center, just demolished the center and we recognize it both. And suddenly that straight line becomes a circle. I can be both and I can be both things at the same time and it's okay.

  • [24:44] If you are a young and highly intuitive kid, you get punished.

  • [27:55] Outro