Using a Pendulum To Make Decisions


When I first got started building Holisticism, I'd ask anyone for advice. 

The guys who took me on dates.
The investors I met. 
The fellow entrepreneurs who were as lost as I was. 

But I found the best answers came up when I went deeper into my spiritual practices. Instead of firing off an email with, "Hey, I'm wondering what you think about..." I started leaning more heavily on my esoteric spiritual toolkit. 

My tarot cards. 
My Akashic Records.
My astrological natal chart.
My meditation practice. 
My journaling and automatic writing.

After a few years, I became so intimately knowledgeable of my own Vision, Mission, and Value Proposition that it was easy to make decisions. Like, I didn't even really need to think about it — the fear or hesitation that showed up so often when I first got started floated away. 

Recently, though, I've been exploring new territory. As I do, I find myself questioning a little bit — should I reply to that email? Should I wait? Is that opportunity worth double-clicking on? 

I'm gonna be honest ... it's a little weird! Usually, I'm so self-assured, and I don't second-guess myself. But it reminds me that as we level up and try new things, there's a learning curve that comes with a normal amount of discomfort. Before we learn the ropes of this new level we're on, we need to test the waters to see how things work. Do the old rules I was working with before still apply here? Sometimes yes. Sometimes no.

Anyway, this brings us to today, and a silly decision that I had to make that was bothering me. I slept on it for a few nights, then tried to avoid thinking about it (maybe it would resolve itself?), asked my partner for advice, and finally decided that I needed to go outside of my conscious mind for an answer. 

A Pendulum Swings

So, I made a pendulum. What's a pendulum? A pendulum is an instrument made up of a string and a weight that's used to help a querent make decisions. 

The pendulum is held in the querent's hand, and then a question is asked. Depending on how the pendulum swings, you'll get an answer. 

How Does It Work?

How does a pendulum work? Depends on who you ask. I'm of two minds. I believe in asking my Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones to be present with me and move the pendulum to answer my questions ... but I also believe that an aspect of our subconscious mind takes over and subtly moves our hand/energy to manipulate the swing of the pendulum. 

Regardless, you're getting an answer from something other than your conscious mind. And honestly, that's what I'm most interested in. 

Making and Using a Pendulum

You can find pendulums online for ca$h money, but I prefer to make my own. You'll need a string, chain, or ribbon and an object with a little weight to tie to the bottom. I used a tangerine quartz point, which helps encourage self-acceptance and overcome limitations, but you could use anything meaningful to you — a stone, a coin, a charm. 

Now, get to know your pendulum. Rest your elbow on a flat surface and hold the pendulum 4-5" above from the table. Ask your MTLOs to come in and help you. I say:

"I ask my Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones to watch over me and support me by showing me the answers to my questions according to my highest good. I do not consent to any other energy or entities in this space. I do not consent to anything but energy that supports my highest good entering this space." 

Then, ask the pendulum to show you what YES looks like. Be patient, it can take a second. Your pendulum might move side to side, or in a circle (clockwise or counterclockwise). Then, ask the pendulum to show you what a NO looks like. It will likely be the opposite movement — for example, if your pendulum drew along the North-South line for YES, it will rock East-West for NO. My pendulum usually moves clockwise or counterclockwise.

Next, test your pendulum by asking questions that you know the definitive correct answer to, like, "Is my name is Michelle? Do I live in LA? Am I 31?" Then ask questions that have a definitive NO answer: "Do I like pickles? Am I 6' tall? Am I fluent in Portuguese?"

Then, fire away with your q's! It's fun and easy, and takes only a few minutes to get situated. 

Have you ever used a pendulum? Are you going to make one now? Let me know in the comments below! 

Michelle Pellizzon