Potent Systems: A Prolific Podcaster on How Not to Quit with Chelsea Riffe
How do you create a podcast consistently for over five years without resenting the process or the system that’s supposed to support your creative output?
This week we’re lucky to be joined by the prolific podcast coach and creator, Chelsea Riffe, who so graciously lets us in on what systems she’s created in order to run her business with increased clarity and ease.
Find out more about Chelsea and her Interview & Hosting Lab here.
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“When you listen to someone who’s really good at asking the really good questions and getting people to spill, that is a skill. It takes time and takes practice.”
“People don’t realize that they’re already impressive. The fact that you’re just showing up, honestly, it’s already way more impressive than most people, and you have to own that.”
“Now when I create content, it’s much more thoughtful, it’s much more researched, and I have more opinionated stances on it.”
“People just want to hear from you, and they want consistency. They don’t need you to deliver expert-level industry professional advice.”
“System Spells is our class under the Notion for Magical Baddies universe where we teach you, squiggly brained listeners, like us, how to use systems to help you thrive.”
“If we’re caught up in admin tasks, our creative brains basically turn off like we can’t come up with that juicy stuff that people love about us.”
“It’s weird to think that I’ve committed to something this long because I’ve never committed to anything this long. And I think it just shows when you find a medium that works for you, you want to keep being consistent.”
“My most downloaded episodes are the one where I talked to my sister about dating, where my mom came in to give advice around dating — not all these expert interviews and influencers and authors.”
Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Anchor, Breaker, Google Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts, Pocket Casts, and RadioPublic
Show Notes
Discover how Michelle and today’s guest, Chelsea met!
In My Non-Expert Opinion - hosted by Chelsea Riffe, a Mindset & Podcast Coach
Notion for Magical Baddies - System Spells, who is it for?
Finding a medium that works for you and committing to it
That moment when people just want to hear from you regardless of what you’re talking about
Michelle’s favorite way to hang out with friends
Establishing a system behind content creation process
Why Chelsea had to take a break from podcasting?
Putting your best foot forward when you’re not yet ready to commit to it
How important is consistency in audience retention?
Committing to a weekly podcast - is it sustainable?
Why do most people drop off after listening to a couple of podcast episodes?
How tedious is it to start and maintain a podcast?
How to keep yourself from burning out?
How getting caught up in admin tasks affects our creativity
What Chelsea could have done differently to keep her from burning out?
Chelsea’s most downloaded episodes - not what she expected!
Losing and regaining your creative freedom
What kills your creative passion?
What makes consistent creation possible?
Hiring a System Specialist Virtual Assistant
Using a virtual project management tool versus the traditional physical pen and notebook
How long did it take for Chelsea to clean up her podcast system?
Constantly adjusting and refining your process
Chelsea’s takeaways from Notion for Magical Baddies - Systems and Spells, and how she implements them in her new podcast system
From Asana to Notion - which is better?
What is archetype embodiment?
Resources and People Mentioned
Eat happy at Mendocino Farms
Follow Chelsea @chelseariffe and her pod @nonexpertopinionpod on IG
Listen to In My Non-Expert Opinion on Spotify and on Apple Podcast
Chelsea Riffe’s Interview and Hosting Lab