Why Traditional Financial Advice Doesn’t Always Work for Squiggly Brained Intuitives

Today we’re continuing our four-part series about money. Michelle is on the pod solo sharing thoughts on why traditional financial advice doesn’t always work for squiggly brained creatives, how money and energy can be (but are not always) related, and what your relationship with money might actually be indicating about your relationship with yourself and how you spend your time and energy.






The problem is that a lack of systems tailored for us accentuates these holes, areas where we’re leaking energy.
Almost nothing about traditional financial advice works easily and consistently for squiggly-brained people.
Those areas of weakness, and let’s say in our foundation when we don’t have systems, they become cracks and fissures; when they become cracks and fissures, our energy leaks out of them.
When I say leaking energy, I mean it feels defective or degenerative. The amount of energy that you’re putting out isn’t getting poured back into you, so it’s not regenerative. This can be anything interpersonal. It can be for yourself with how you’re spending your energy; if you constantly feel depleted, especially after certain tasks. And it can also be an actual example of where you’re losing money consistently.
This idea of deepening our somatic container, and our ability to hold shows up with the money. It also shows up a lot with love and relationships and just emotion in general.
Focusing on our somatic experience and really deepening our container to hold is a really important part of any work that we do.

Show Notes

  • Where you're leaking money and what that could potentially be doing to you energetically

  • Money is just energy—is it?

  • Money as an amplifier

  • Having a difficult relationship with money

  • Paying attention to where you are leaking energy

  • How Michelle react when things don’t go as planned

  • Possible effects of lack of systems

  • Something to ponder on: where are you leaking energy?

  • Figuring out how you can patch up that hole

  • Great CTA examples for newsletters

  • Focusing on our somatic experience and really like deepening our container to hold

  • Having an easy time earning money but a hard time holding on to money?

  • Deepening our somatic container

  • Maximizing your credit card’s perks
