Friday Philosophies: Action Bias

Join Michelle Pellizzon and her special guest, Holisticism's Social Media Manager, KP Pilley, as they explore the psychological phenomenon of action bias and its implications on decision-making, online activism, entrepreneurship, and navigating uncertainty in today's world.


  • Action bias is when we prefer action over inaction, even when waiting or doing nothing may be the better choice.

  • Action bias makes people jump to conclusions without thinking it through, which can spread rumors or unexpected consequences.

  • Action bias can manifest in different situations like online activism, making business calls, or dealing with stress or uncertainty.

  • While action bias may have offered evolutionary benefits, it's important to be mindful of it and consider alternative options rather than acting impulsively.

  • Entrepreneurs and creatives in particular can often mistake planning with taking concrete actions, emphasizing the importance of pausing for reflection before initiating a new project or business.




    • Michelle Pellizzon and KP Pilley’s discussion about the concept of action bias

    • KP, being a Pisces, connects with the collective unconscious by caring for their Italian greyhound, Baci

    • Action bias referring to the human tendency to prefer action over inaction – even when waiting might be more advantageous

    • Confirmation bias arises when individuals consider only information that confirms their their own views

    • Action bias becomes evident when waiting for medical test results or when dealing with a loved one’s illness

    • Representing an evolutionary trait, as our ancestors who responded quickly gained survival advantages

    • Online activism can be affected by rushing to post without complete information

    • Politicians may resort to dramatic actions, such as chasing ATV riders, which fail to solve the underlying issue

    • Working in social media during crises presents challenges regarding the timing of when to post or remain silent

    • Entrepreneurs may confuse planning with aligned action by rushing into projects

    • Grasping nuance can be challenging yet important for making thoughtful decisions

    • Younger individuals may have embraced action bias while older individuals prioritize consistency

    • The over prescription of antibiotics by doctors exemplifies action bias in medical contexts

    • Soccer goalkeepers diving may prioritize ego over effective strategy

    • The importance of distinguishing compulsion from considered aligned action

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