Green Room 001 | From MySpace to MyPodcast: BTS with Katie Dalebout & Michelle Pellizzon

In addition to our monthly audio course, we now have a light “green room” episode that brings you behind the scenes. It’s loose, it’s fun, and if you listened to Good 4U, well it’s kind of like that.

In this week’s inaugural episode of this series, your co-host Michelle welcomes Katie Dalebout, as the new podcast producer. She has huge shoes to fill now that Wallis is off to grad school, and they talk about what’s to come.

As well as reflect on the ever-changing internet landscape, spanning from the MySpace era to the early podcast boom, to today’s intricate digital world. And how despite living through several of these eras, our chronological age doesn’t match the age we feel.

We gush over our shared fascination with typing systems and share some of our current hyperfixations, including but not limited to Washi tape and rice cakes.

Key Takeaways:

  • The power of collaboration: Highlighting the importance of creative collaboration and how working with others can enhance output.

  • Changing job landscapes: Reflecting on how careers like social media management and podcast production have evolved since we began.

  • Education and apprenticeships: Exploring the idea of renaissance education and apprenticeships, considering how learning and skill-building have evolved over time.

  • Age and growth: Sharing insights on feeling perpetually youthful and how personal growth continues regardless of age.

  • Our hyper fixations, why we are all so into typing systems from astrology to human design to Matrix of Destiny to Myers Briggs and more

    • Katie Dalebout as a podcast producer

    • Adapting skills and education in the face of changing work dynamics

    • Michelle’s personal experience with her family's plumbing business and how it relates to her thoughts on education and the future of work

    • The idea of creating "geniuses" and what it takes to raise a child with a well-rounded education, including having a tutor or renaissance person and exposing them to different types of people and experiences

    • The common thread of parental influence

    • Katie and Michelle's unique perspectives as only children

    • Aging, maturity, and creative growth

    • Feeling younger beyond the years, despite physical transformations

    • Katie and Michelle’s past versions

    • Growth, change, and open-mindedness in a podcast

    • Katie’s journey of openness and gratitude

    • The importance of holistic system-making and turning things around to find new perspectives

    • Michelle’s commitment to long-term growth and learning

    • Michelle and the Holisticism team's evolutionary journey

    • Katie and Michelle’s friendship and connection, personal anecdotes and experiences

    • The challenges of working alone as creatives, longing for collaboration and support

    • Tethering to reality: Connecting ideas through partnerships

    • Creativity, collaboration, and idea incubation

    • Having a generative creative partner to help develop ideas and provide feedback

    • Balancing collaboration: Katie's guiding hand in Michelle's creative journey

    • Personality tests and astrology

    • Exploring the depths of personality: Michelle and Katie’s journey through Myers-Briggs and Enneagram

    • Navigating life's maze: How personality tests shape Michelle and Katie

    • Michelle’s eclectic obsessions

    • Katie’s curiosity: Diving into Michelle's hyper fixations on gateway process and mycology psychology



