Magic Money Habits: Becoming Your Own Spell Crafting CFO


Episode Description

Following this week's wellness news (AI therapy tech, America's struggle with alcoholism, and the fight for mental health advocacy in professional sports), we're giving you a sneak peek into one of our most popular Masterclasses in our private member's community, the North Node. You'll hear the first half of the Spell Crafting CFO - Money Magic Masterclass. This masterclass features three common money myths, how to unclutter limiting money beliefs, four must-do's to increase abundance in your business, and much more! It's such a juicy topic and a tiny sample of the intuitive business content that's in our North Node library, where you'll find the rest of this Masterclass and many more witchy and intuitive business trainings.

Doors for The North Node open on June 20th - sign up for the wait list here!

Join us in The Cusp here and the free Holisticism Hub here

Our detailed show notes can be found @

P.S. If you text us @ +1 818-699-9735 with a screenshot of your podcast review, you'll be entered to win our swag prize!

Mentioned in today's Episode:

“Every business is different, and every person is different. What could be an amazing salary to me, might be small potatoes to you.” – Michelle Pellizzon

We need lots of other tools in order to accomplish our purpose alongside money. If we only throw money at a problem, we won't have anything if we don't have talent, innovation, intuition and skills.” – Michelle Pellizzon

“I just want to point out that this is really common, especially for people that hold a feminine identity, to not say what we want out loud for fear that it won't come true, fear that we will look stupid, or fear that people will shame us for what we want.” – Michelle Pellizzon

The modern English word for wealth comes from the Middle English term well, which means wellbeing and health.

“We need lots of other tools in order to accomplish our purpose alongside money. Trust me, if we only throw money at the problem, we won't have anything if we don't have talent and innovation and intuition and skills.” – Michelle Pellizzon

“I tend to personify money just like I tend to personify Jupiter or Saturn. I give them human emotions and feelings.” – Michelle Pellizzon

“It is out of our control, and it is not our responsibility, nor is it our business, how other people perceive us.” – Michelle Pellizzon

“It's okay if people don't like you. You can be kind, and people still won't like you. Trust me, I know!” Michelle Pellizzon

Listen to the episode on Apple PodcastsSpotify, AnchorBreakerGoogle Podcasts, Amazon PodcastsPocket Casts, and RadioPublic


If you liked hearing about money mindset shifts and habits, check out our episode "Money Myths, Heartbreak, Weed Stock and Spiritual Awakenings with Morgan Blackman" our amazing guest, Morgan Blackman, an Intuitive Wealth Coach shares her journey of becoming a self-made financial wealth coach, which stocks she invested in first, how breakups can be wake-ups, and tangible steps that we can take in order to achieve our desired financial goals and actualize our dreams.

Show Notes

  • [0:00:06] Podcast begins.

  • [0:00:45] Start of wellness news

  • [0:01:03] America Has a Drinking Problem by Kate Julian of The Atlantic

  • [0:02:12] As mentioned article, the number of alcohol-related deaths in the US in the last 20 years has doubled

  • [0:07:12] We don't learn a lot of healthy coping mechanisms as we grow. When we become adults, we don't know what to do with all of the feelings and emotions and everything that we are. So instead of adapting, we just shut those feelings down.

  • [0:07:47] “Something Bothering You? Tell It to Woebot.” by Karen Brown of The New York Times

  • [0:08:40] Woebot just raised 22M in venture capital and is seeking to get approval from the FDA to be able to treat two diagnoses, including postpartum depression and adolescent depression, and then be able to sell this to health care systems at scale

  • [0:09:38] They make some good arguments for how AI therapy bots serve a different purpose than a therapist

  • [0:10:39] Signs That It’s Time for Therapy by Christina Caron

  • [0:10:45] Everyone can benefit from therapy, but not everyone can afford it

  • [0:11:20] We're trying to create this illusion of intimacy without the demands of an actual relationship. You make a bond with something that doesn't even know that it's bonding with you. Is that the right direction that we want to go in?

  • [0:12:19] There's a critical shortage of therapists and psychiatrists in the US

  • [0:13:40] Our mental health experience, especially in the US, is very piecemeal, and very disembodied. It's not holistic at all.

  • [0:15:35] Naomi Osaka, an incredible tennis player, dropped out of French Open after refusing to do press to protect her mental health

  • [0:20:00] Athletes spend so much time, energy, and money on their mindset and their bodies. So for the French Open to penalize Naomi for saying, “this is what I need to do to play the game and take care of my mental health” seems like it's abundantly clear that this isn't about athletes. It's about money and press!

  • [0:23:04] The CIA is going to release everything about UFOs this month

  • [0:27:43] End of the wellness news.

  • [0:27:53] Michelle gives a sneak peek of a class she taught inside of the North Node called Spell Crafting CFO - Money Magic.

  • [0:29:27] Your relationship to money is ever changing.

  • [0:30:10] “Every business is different, and every person is different. What could be an amazing salary to me, might be small potatoes to you, we're all different.” – Michelle Pellizzon

  • [0:30:55] The goal of this class is to show you some new perspectives, and some new information. Then you can decide what you want to do with that.

  • [0:31:02] We’re going to talk about the following: embracing breathless excitement, uncluttering your unconscious, money's vibe, and real-life money magic.

  • [0:33:30] Just because we work on our relationship with money doesn't necessarily mean that they go away forever.

  • [0:33:54] Let's try to just address our shame.

  • [0:34:09] Let's try not to take care of other people who haven't asked us to.

  • [0:35:54] “I just want to point out that this is really common, especially for people that hold a feminine identity, to not say what we want out loud for fear that it won't come true, fear that we will look stupid, or fear that people will shame us for what we want.” – Michelle Pellizzon

  • [0:36:17] Say what you’re proud of without any shame around it, without caretaking for anyone else, without worrying about making anyone else feel bad.

  • [0:37:01] When we add a breath into that feeling of getting charged up, we can transmute fear into something cool.

  • [0:37:20] Fear is a very powerful emotion but we can transmute it into something potentially useful to us.

  • [0:38:28] Every time you feel like you're losing your breath, when you feel that fear is coming up, remember to breathe.

  • [0:38:47] We as humans get really used to this feeling of fear. It makes us feel alive.

  • [0:39:35] The saboteur archetype is a core archetype that we all humans have.

  • [0:41:27] Michelle talked about her mom creating little fissures in her life, she's self-sabotaging, because she needs to put her anxiety on something.

  • [0:42:22] We've got to be conscious around wealth and money.

  • [0:43:06] While tarot cards can certainly help you explore your relationship to money and wealth, still we have to do some conscious excavation of what our unconscious beliefs are.

  • [0:43:54] The modern English word for wealth comes from the Middle English term well, which means wellbeing and health.

  • [0:44:30] We're not just here to make money. Same way that businesses are not just around to make money.

  • [0:44:43] The reason that you have a business or the reason that you exist is to make a difference, to make things better for somebody.

  • [0:45:23] “We need lots of other tools in order to accomplish our purpose alongside money. Trust me, if we only throw money at the problem, we won't have anything if we don't have talent and innovation and intuition and skills.” – Michelle Pellizzon

  • [0:45:48] Wealth is so much more than money.

  • [0:47:01] We need to be really thoughtful about how we use our energy and our capacity.

  • [0:48:19] Money doesn't create something new. It doesn't necessarily change us. It just amplifies what's already there.

  • [0:48:40] You're not going to become an evil person if you have money; if you're not already an evil person.

  • [0:49:17] We have been taught for so long that money is the root of all evil, when in fact that is not actually true.

  • [0:50:32] We all have elements of goodness to us.

  • [0:50:45] You don't need to worry about becoming someone that you don't want to be when you have more money.

  • [0:51:28] Question to ponder on: Do you have a fear of power?

  • [0:52:24] Money is just a tool to help us achieve our purpose. It's not the purpose. Money can help us obtain power, so use that power for good.

  • [0:53:12] “I tend to personify money just like I tend to personify Jupiter or Saturn. I give them human emotions and feelings.” – Michelle Pellizzon

  • [0:53:25] Money is not just neutral energy. Money is so much more than that. If it was neutral, then it wouldn't make people feel things.

  • [0:54:34] Money makes people feel big, big, big emotions.

  • [0:55:18] “It is out of our control, and it is not our responsibility, nor is it our business, how other people perceive us.”

  • [0:55:57] Death is always promised, as Ethan loves to say. Death is at the door for all of us. We just don't want to acknowledge it.

  • [0:56:36] In order for us to get paid, we're taking it from another. And we must be okay with being part of that.

  • [0:58:23] No one is pure evil. No one is purely good. It's situational.

  • [0:58:33] Money myth #1: Work can’t be fun. Work can totally be fun.

  • [0:59:21] Capitalism has reshaped our communities to privilege money over leisure time.

  • [0:59:43] Work should be this thing that helps us become more human. But instead, it has become this robotic element of our lives that's actually completely devoid of our humanity.

  • [1:00:24] Money myth #2: You don't have to work hard to earn money.

  • [1:02:37] You don't get paid for your time, you get paid for your impact.

  • [1:03:24] Money myth #3: You can be nice and still make a ton of money.

  • [1:04:41] Michelle shared a story about her previous bosses.

  • [1:05:43] Corporations aren't inherently good or evil, they just go through different phases.

  • [1:06:18] When we are not acknowledging our shadow, we try to hide it away from the world.

  • [1:06:44] We have to prioritize human beings and people over profits.

  • [1:07:24] In order to stay in this honest era, we need to be honest. The truth matters. We have to be transparent; we have to be authentic.

  • [1:08:00] Companies can be good and choose to be kind and still make a ton of money. It's completely possible.

  • [1:08:10] “It's okay if people don't like you. You can be kind, and people will still won't like you. Trust me, I know!”

  • [1:12:21] We need to forgive the people around us around money: boss who didn’t pay you enough, someone who never paid you back, who took advantage of you, a client who took your course and then didn't pay their credit card.

  • [1:14:41] End of today’s episode.

  • [1:14:46] Reminder: The June raffle is still up! Simply subscribe to our podcast, leave a rating, and review it, take a screenshot of your review, and finally send it to +1818-699-9735

  • [1:15:42] End of podcast.