Creating A Real Food Vitamin For Women: Meet Sara Cullen, Founder Of Gem

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Working with the land and growing her own food was simply a part of life for Gem founder, Sara Cullen, who grew up on a farm along the Oregon Coast. When she started experiencing chronic health issues stemming from nutritional deficiency, she returned to her roots and looked to Mother Earth for the answers. This journey drove her to start Gem, a food based daily multi-vitamin for women that utilizes nutritionally dense, NASA-approved algaes like spirulina, chlorella, and astaxanthin as it’s super power. Made with ingredients like dates and pumpkin seeds, you consume this multivitamin like real food — and in one bite — because that is exactly what it is.

But even more impressive than the simple magic of this tasty multivitamin snack is Sara’s drive to create affordable, accessible nutritional solutions for everyone while repairing the broken food system causing deficiencies in the first place.  

That a mission we can get behind at Holisticism, and we are so excited to share Sara with the community!  

meet sara

ideal lunch as a 5-year-old:


ideal lunch today:

Plant-based proteins and greens!

a book or podcast you recommend:

Podcast: 33 Voices

where in your life can you do more? less?

More time in nature, less time on my phone.

what brings you joy + pleasure?


how do we make wellness more accessible to more people?

By redefining wellness as being comfortable in your skin — flaws included.  

how do you practice self respect?

Be kind and compassionate to your mind + body. Listen to its needs and practice moderation above all.

where are you growing right now, or looking for a guide/teacher?

As a founder and CEO of a business, I am learning at a pace I've never experienced before. I'm constantly seeking out the right mentors and advisors who are experienced operators and can relate and help guide me through this pace of growth.

how does your background influence your present outlook?

I grew up on a farm on the Oregon Coast – where the forest and ocean meet. I grew up getting my hands dirty (quite literally) and growing my own food. My childhood background opened up my curiosities around the natural environment and the way in which we nourish ourselves and it taught me at an early age the value in building things. I went on to study at Cornell and travel the world working with farmers, scientists, and women entrepreneurs. My experiences helped lay the foundation for my belief that food is the ultimate democracy and it helped set me on this big yet simple mission to radically change our food system from the ground-up.

what are your reflections and insights on inclusivity, race and privilege in wellness?

Our mission is to democratize access to nutrition by creating more affordable and accessible daily health solutions. This is an important mission that I hope everyone in food & wellness join us in.

what would you like each person who crosses your path to leave knowing?

That I'm trying my best to make this world a more kind, healthier place.