Overcoming Fear with Your Spiritual GPS and the Law of Triviality


Episode Description

[01:00] Michelle talks about organizing and executing on your genius. [05:00] When it comes to starting a project and getting organized, what you think matters doesn't matter even a little tiny bit. [12:00] Law of Triviality: It is absolutely common and normal for us to give a disproportionate amount of weight to trivial issues that don't matter. [15:00] Michelle shares what worked for her to move past those trivial matters. [20:00] When an idea lands on your shoulder, it's just an idea until you bring it into the world. [27:00] What's your spiritual GPS? Think of it as your spiritual Waze or Google Maps. 28:00] A spell is an intentional ritual or process to get the desired outcome. Michelle enumerates the key components of a spell: intention, desired outcome, ingredients, partner witch(es), structure. [33:00] Inevitably, you're going to fail 90 times to get that one win. And that's just part of it. Being resilient and persistent and continuing to show up even when our brains are signaling us that we're failing.

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If we're trying to constantly ignore death and avoid things that remind us of our death, we will live a hollow life. We will live a life that doesn't have feeling and depth and meaning. β€” Michelle Pellizzon

Maybe the point is just to be a person, and to be here and to feel all of it, and to acknowledge that we have limited time here and that it's always moving through our fingers. It's ephemeral. And that's beautiful and magical. β€” Michelle Pellizzon

When an idea lands on your shoulder, it's just an idea until you bring it into the world. β€” Michelle Pellizzon

Our brains are constantly trying to protect us from the fact that we are mortal and that we are going to die. Our brain is the number one thing that it wants to do, is push that out of our heads and push that away from us and distract us from that one singular truth.

There's no need to reinvent the wheel. You may have a unique and individual experience, but we have so much history, so many stories, so much in the collective unconscious, to draw from to help us find our North Star, and help direct our energy and our attention on what matters. β€” Michelle Pellizzo

The point is not to sit in meditation for 25 years and get above and past it and move to a five D level. Maybe the point is just to be a person, and to be here and to feel all of it and to acknowledge that divinity is that we have limited time here and that it's always moving through our fingers.

β€œMy dad always says 90% of being successful is just showing up. And I think that that's true to an extent. It's just putting ourselves out there.” – Michelle Pellizzon

Show Notes

  • [00:06] Podcast begins.

  • [01:00] Michelle talks about organizing your genius and executing on your genius.

  • [02:00] Michelle shares her first job experience, when she thought that she was slow and unproductive.

  • [04:00]The reason I never thought I was good or productive, is because all the meaning-making systems that exist to tell me who I am, told me that that's not what I should be good at.

  • [05:00] When it comes to starting a project and getting organized, what you think matters doesn't matter even a little tiny bit. It just doesn't.

  • [06:00] Our brains are constantly trying to protect us from the fact that we are mortal, and that we are going to die. The number one thing that it wants to do is push that out of our heads and push that away from us and distract us from that one singular truth.

  • [07:00]We freak ourselves out because we forget that the reason we're here is to experience mortality. The moment we were born, we begin to die.

  • [08:00] There is a 100% chance that life is fatal. And that can be heavy. That was in your soul contract.

  • [09:00] If we're trying to constantly ignore death and avoid things that remind us of our death, we will live a hollow life. We will live a life that doesn't have feeling and depth and meaning.

  • [10:00] Maybe the point is just to be a person, and to be here and to feel all of it. And to acknowledge that we have limited time here and that it's always moving through our fingers. It's ephemeral. And that's beautiful and magical.

  • [11:00] When we know this about our brains, we can just forgive ourselves for being scared, for not wanting to fail, and for getting focused on the wrong things.

  • [12:00] Law of Triviality: It is absolutely common and normal for us to give a disproportionate amount of weight to trivial issues that don't matter.

  • [14:00] I know that my brain is going to get stuck on the trivial things. It wants me to stay there for a long period of time to stay safe. And it's my sole job to move past that.

  • [15:00] Michelle starts sharing what worked for her to move past those trivial matters.

  • [16:00] Any idea that we execute on is not ours. I believe that they have their own destinies and their own souls. They're their own entity, outside of us.

  • [18:00] We don't own anything; we don't own the earth that we sit on. We don't own other people. We don't own ideas, we don't own stories, we don't own any of these. We are just the vessel that it chooses to come through, and that can give you a lot of permission to be less precious.

  • [19:00] The worst thing in the world is being someone's backburner.

  • [20:00] When an idea lands on your shoulder, it's just an idea until you bring it into the world.

  • [21:00] Everything has an Akashic Record.

  • [22:00] I read biographies because I want to see people's archetypal journeys, and what they went through and learn from their mistakes.

  • [23:00] There's no need to reinvent the wheel. You may have a unique and individual experience, but we have so much history, so many stories, so much in the collective unconscious, to draw from to help us find our North Star and help direct our energy and our attention on what matters.

  • [24:00] β€œI need something that basically says, dying is okay and feeling things as part of being alive. And yes, you're going to have resistance. Let me make that resistance easier for you. Let's make it as smooth as possible and make it a no-brainer for you to keep going in the direction you've been going, as opposed to stopping and turning around or going in the gutter.” – Michelle Pellizzon

  • [25:00] Michelle talks about KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).

  • [27:00] What's your spiritual GPS? Think of it as your spiritual Waze or Google Maps.

  • [28:00] A spell is an intentional ritual or process to get a desired outcome. Michelle enumerates the key components of a spell: intention, desired outcome, ingredients, partner witch(es), structure.

  • [31:00] Making big grand gestures is not the move. What we need to move forward and to bring things into the world is persistence.

  • [32:00] β€œMy dad always says 90% of being successful is just showing up. And I think that that's true to an extent. It's just putting ourselves out there.”

  • [32:00] β€œWhen you really need to make moves to bring something into the world, I think it's more important to get really clear on what your priorities are, what the one big thing is that you can do every day that's going to get you closer to what you want to bring into the world.”

  • [33:00] Inevitably, you're going to fail 90 times to get that one win. And that's just part of it. And again, it's about being resilient and persistent and continuing to show up even when our brains are signaling us that we're failing like death.

  • [34:00] May this be useful and fun and interesting to you, and may this episode inspire you to take action.

  • [35:00] Instead of being afraid and having imposter syndrome that you're not right for it, then you're supposed to do it. If the idea came to you, it can be born through you.

  • [36:00] One of the tools that can help you organize your ideas is Notion.

  • [37:00] Do you prefer wellness news or more intuitive business stuff? Hit us up!

  • [37:19] Podcast ends.