A Design Thinking Approach on Coaching and Capitalism with Trudi Lebron

This month we’re sitting down with guests to talk about money, how we relate to, and avoid relating to it.

Today we’re joined by entrepreneur, coach, consultant, and speaker, Trudi Lebron. Trudi is a business coach who helps entrepreneurs build businesses that change lives without compromising their values, their money, or their commitments to diversity, equity and inclusion.

In this episode, we chat through:

  • The difference between being an impactful coach and running a successful coaching business

  • What Design Thinking and Trudi’s coaching approach have in common, and how it applies across several industries and disciplines

  • What’s wrong with the current business coaching climate, and what individuals and communities alike can do about it

  • NOW ENROLLING: The Art & Science of Coaching with Trudi Lebron




She’s (Trudi) focusing a lot on actually helping coaches become better, well-rounded, more supportive, more healing, and more accessible in the work that they do. And I think we need more of that.
— Michelle Pellizzon
There is a big difference between a coaching business and a coaching practice. And the skills you need to be a successful businessperson are different from those you use to be an excellent coach.
— Trudi Lebron
But if your skills aren’t growing proportionally; you’re talking to more people but you haven’t developed your skills to be able to serve more different types of problems and more diversity of people… And you end up with a lot of people who present as coaches, but they’re more sales and marketers than they are coaches, like from a skill perspective, and time perspective, that they are investing more time in their professional development in the business side than on the coaching side.
— Trudi Lebron
If more good people have more money, they will make good decisions with that money.
— Trudi Lebron
If your values are changing, then those are probably not your values!
— Trudi Lebron
I’m just so clear that the reason that we have what we have right now, this kind of oligarchical-like system… It’s because of who gets to sit in those chairs, and the people who are in those chairs are funded by people with money. So for as much as we might want to divest from that system, I think it’s too risky.
— Trudi Lebron
Wealth amplifies what’s already there. Whatever you think wealth is, whether it’s money or time or power, it just amplifies what’s already at the root of that person or organization.
— Michelle Pellizzon

    • What it’s like to be a guest speaker in Ted Talk for Trudi

    • Are most authors millionaires?

    • Publishing a book versus releasing a music album or a movie

    • What made Trudi a certified coach? How it all started…

    • Running a coaching business as compared to doing the actual coaching

    • Why upskilling is essential to coaches

    • Your desired outcome, and what are you willing to do to get there

    • Are the choices you make aligned with your values?

    • Knowing yourself, your goals, and your baseline

    • Helping people build their companies, their lives, and their communities

    • The problem with racial inequity

    • Wealth consolidation - the hoarding of money by a few companies or families

    • How is Trudi’s professional development training unique compared to other coaching workshops

Resources and People Mentioned