Topsie Vandenbosch on Intuitively Owning Your Corner of the Internet
Continuing our series on the complexities of what it means to be seen, we’re speaking with mindset coach Topside Vandenbosch. Topsie helps clients crush negative thought patterns and behaviors using emotional intelligence strategies and helps business owners do the inner work required to aid them in leapfrogging to the next phase of their journey.
Find out more about working with Topsie here, follow along with Topsie on IG, and check out her podcast episode here.
“I attract people who are very mystical, astrological sign; they’re into that part of the spirituality. They also tend to be very chill. Very! Their nervous system is regulated honey!”
“The people that I’ve gotten on my podcast, I’m just so thankful and so blessed that they were open to being real because that was something I am very intolerant of!”
“I think that people have to know themselves. And I don’t know that people know themselves as well as they think they do. Which is why it’s so easy for them to be molded into whatever it is that people want them to be. They don’t even know who they are.”
“So what is the feeling versus what is the fact, because your feelings are not always the facts. I do believe your feelings matter, but they cannot be the sole reason why you make super important decisions.”
“People are, as afraid of being canceled, but they are afraid of being truly seen. So it’s a very weird juxtaposition where people are still stuck, aren’t willing to show up as themselves because they don’t know how it’s going to be perceived.”
“I pay attention to everything — what you say, what you don’t say, what you leave out, what you tell your audience — I pay attention to all of it. And it’s not about me, being all up in your business. I’m just a projector baby! That’s what we do. We see right through. I can’t even help it!”
Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Anchor, Breaker, Google Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts, Pocket Casts, and RadioPublic
Being the multifaceted and multihyphenated self that you are
Why is it not a good idea to try to be anything other than who you are?
The evolution and distortion of the English language
Understanding people and realizing human nature
Feeling confined and suffocated by the pedestal society has placed them on that they are apprehensive about taking off the veil
Topsie’s viewpoint on gatekeeping the truth as it actually is
Fear of public scrutiny and cancellation
The idea of being honest about your abilities and limitations, especially when it comes to how you want to be perceived online
Being so easily shaped into whatever it is that people want them to be as a result of their lack of self-awareness
Making decisions, mixing logic and emotions, and using emotion as a basis for judgment
How do you entice people to want to work with you and stay?
The battle to make decisions that aren't just based on emotion, but also aren't merely factual and logical
Weighing your emotions against the facts and how that should affect your decision-making
Implying meaning to something that was merely an information
Is it normal to feel envious and jealous?
Inviting your humanity into the room
Allowing ourselves to just truly be seen despite our flaws
Speaking from emotional intelligence as opposed to from a place of rage
Revelation of Topsie's real name, and its meaning
Resources and People Mentioned
Arianna Maag, Human Design Coach
Natalia Benson, Spiritual Business Strategist, Money Mentor, and Astrologer