Your Q's Answered — Jealousy, Marketing Without IG, ADHD, Money, and Skincare!

Welcome to our 100th episode! Thank you for being here! We're taking today's episode to answer the questions you sent in! Thank you for being here :)

Questions we cover in this episode

  • What is the best way to market without social media?

  • How do I grow my business outside of IG and FB?

  • How to deal with comparison, jealousy, networking, and career?

  • How do you get started on a big project — ADHD brain over here

  • What are your best practices for collaborating on a workshop with a fellow witch?

  • How do you trust yourself?

  • What is your skin like? Oily? Combo? Dry?

  • Any anxiety/ADHD resources that you've found helpful? My anxiety is through the roof lately?

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“Social media platforms because they can be really draining if you're not in the right mindset.” -Michelle Pellizzon

“Find ways that you enjoy making content.” -Michelle Pellizzon

“The best content you make is the content that you love making. And you're going to call in the right people and you're much more likely to go viral, to resonate, or to build an audience or community if you enjoy what you do.” -Michelle Pellizzon

“Prioritizing and figuring out what matters to you and not to other people, not what your mentor, your coach, or your parents tell you, but what matters to you and is important to you will make your life so much easier.” -Michelle Pellizzon

“My final thing as a big needle mover is finding the distinction for yourself between overwork and burnout versus needing to be scrappy in the beginning.” -Michelle Pellizzon

“You have to decide for yourself what is too much and what is necessary, what is worthy of a sacrifice because there are certain things that you need to do at the beginning that is not glamorous, that are not even really fun, they just need to get done.” -Michelle Pellizzon

“Going back to the prioritization, make sure that you're doing it for you, not according to what other people say because it's easier to burn out when it's not self-directed from a true place.” -Wallis Millar-Blanchaer

“Set your salary. A realistic salary that you can not just live on, but save money on and support yourself with, and maybe support the people who are dependent on you.” -Michelle Pellizzon

“When we think of investment, we think of two types of businesses: a venture backable business and a lifestyle business.” -Michelle Pellizzon

“If you feel like you're compromising your morals, ethics, and values too much to get money, then that doesn't go away. If you are on the fence because you're worried about being able to maintain your ethics, then keep thinking about it. Don't make any rushed moves.” -Michelle Pellizzon

“If you hate your day job and it's unhealthy, then you totally should quit. But if you like your job and it's paying you really well, or you're learning, then stay.” -Michelle Pellizzon

“Keeping your head down and moving in silence is one of the coolest things that you can do.” -Michelle Pellizzon

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