11 Questions to Ask the Akashic Records to Plan Your Ideal Work Flow


If you need a refresher on the Akashic Records, click here! 

When I first started using the Records a few years ago, I asked them the big questions: 

  1. Does that guy like me?

  2. Why not?

  3. How can I get him to like me?

  4. What's my purpose, and how can I get it to make me a million dollars?

  5. What did I do in my past lives?

Hard-hitting journalism, people. 

I find that when newbies first open their Records, their questions all look pretty similar. No shade — we tend to ask about what is causing us the most grief in our lives. Often, that's love and money. 

But after a while ... you get all the answers you need to those top-of-mind questions. (And then it's up to YOU to implement what you've learned which is, admittedly, not as fun as just getting the answers from your spiritual board of directors) 

Some people might retire their Record practice after this — when they're not in triage mode, they have no use for their spiritual team. We often forget about them until we're in trouble. It's a lot like calling your parents when you're in college — when you run out of dining hall meals or accidentally dye your clothes pink because of a rouge red sock, you've got mom on speed dial. But other than that? You don't think about her too much. 

I don't think there's anything wrong with that. They're your spiritual team — you can have whatever type of relationship you'd like! And, I would like to casually suggest that the Akashic Records are a crazy-pragmatic tool that you can use in regular, non-emergency life. 

One of my favorite ways to use the Records is to plan my work schedule — and I've seen some pretty incredible results when I take the advice of the Records, even when I'm unsure if I should. 

If you're down to experiment with the Akashic Records, I highly recommend jamming on practical questions that'll help you in your day-to-day. Keep scrolling to learn more about the strategic ways you can use your Akashic Records to find your ideal workflow. 

11 Questions to Ask The Akashic Records About Workflow 

What's your workflow intention? 

If you're asking for advice about your ideal workflow, then something's not working for you as it stands. 

You wouldn't be searching for a solution if there wasn't a perceived problem. 

So, what do you want to improve? Do you want to: 

  • get more work done?

  • be more creative?

  • make better work?

  • have more fun while working?

  • feel less stressed?

Or maybe, your problem has deeper roots than that. Perhaps you don't enjoy your work, period, which has you questioning whether it's something you should even be doing. 

It's necessary to get clear on your intention for optimizing your time before you power through your questions. 


  1. Am I in the most correct line of work for my soul?

  2. What can I do to have more fun at work?

  3. How can I make work feel more easeful?

  4. How can I better optimize my time while I am working?

  5. What do I need to change to get more work done?

What's your work style? 

Understanding your Human Design type can tell you a LOT about your ideal workflow already. But it's worth checking in with your Records to see what the best style or working looks like for you. That could mean long, immersive sprints paired with days (or weeks) off; big chunks of concentrated work time; or working a little bit all day long. 


  1. What's my ideal work pace?

What's your ideal schedule? 

One of my favorite questions to ask! Check-in with your MTLOs and ask them what your ideal work schedule is. Sometimes they'll give you a granular answer — like, down to how many hours you should work on each day — while other times they paint with broader strokes. In any case, it's worth asking


  1. What's my ideal work schedule?

  2. What do I need to cut out of my current schedule?

  3. What do I need to add into my current schedule?

  4. How often should I check-in to see if my ideal schedule has changed?


The Akashic Records are one of the most pragmatic esoteric tools around — and they can be useful for understanding that pesky ex-boyfriend and for laying out your ideal work schedule so you can start plotting world domination 

Michelle Pellizzon