Collapsing Timelines, Creating With Ease and Getting Out of Your Own Way

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Episode Description

What if you wrote a new script, found a new door, or got out of your own way? How can you create more ease and enjoyment in your life at this moment? Today Michelle riffs on the idea that working harder isn't always the answer to getting where you want to go. Finding ways to create with ease will allow you to create a more sustainable approach to creation and avoid burnout in the long run. Tune in to hear about Michelle's approach to creating with ease and collapsing timelines to meet your needs.

BEGINS MAY 3: The Profitable Content Creator Lab Offer

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How often have you been told that in your life? If it's easy, it's not worth it. Or things that are worth having are worth fighting for. I think we hear that with relationships a lot too, and that's just toxic. — Michelle Pellizzon

Just because we work harder, doesn't mean we're going to get to where we want to go. - Michelle Pellizzon

Your stuff is not going to be good all the time. In fact, your stuff's going to be bad a lot. The reason that you show up consistently is that you're going to make bad stuff. We know inevitably we're going to run out of inspiration, excitement, and drive. That's just what happens. There are going to be weeks or even months where you cannot get a boner up for what you want to do for your business. Pros know that they are going to lose steam. They know that they're going to be uninspired at some point. Instead of being like, Oh no, this must mean something, they don't make any meaning of it. - Michelle Pellizzon

I think that there are so many pathways that are easier than the ones that were already choosing. - Michelle Pellizzon

If you could ask yourself, okay, I'm trying to fly through the window, but where is there an open door. How could I make this easier? - Michelle Pellizzon

What if the quantum leap wanted to happen? And you're the thing standing in the way of it. You're standing in the middle of it, preventing it, pushing against it with both sides keeping in at an arms distance. And what if you just stepped out of the way and allowed that timeline to collapse? - Michelle Pellizzon

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If you enjoyed learning about how to find more ease while creating content, check out "Content Creation is Just Channeling: Six Practical and Mystical Tools for Creating Content" where Michelle shares six practical and mystical tools that she uses to create consistent, intuitive, and impactful content that delivers great results. Making content consistently requires vulnerability, but it can also be fun, intuitive, magical and it should be!


  • [00:00:05] Start of podcast.

  • [00:00:09] Today, we are going to talk about ease.

  • [00:02:44] The best teachers are the people who really struggled themselves.

  • [00:04:00] Profitable Content Creator Lab course goes live on April 19th. It’s for people who want to make money from the things that you're already creating or have an idea of what you want to make

  • [00:04:58] We're not like living to work. We are working to live.

  • [00:05:38] You just need to like stop making things so hard

  • [00:08:37] How often have you been told that in your life? “If it's easy, it's not worth it.” ---That's just toxic.

  • [00:11:02] There is another potential path to expertise, and that might be finding ease and collapsing the timelines.

  • [00:11:30] Just because we work harder, doesn't mean we're going to get to where we want to go.

  • [00:12:00] Michelle shared the fly analogy she read from Price Pritchett’s The Quantum Leap Strategy book.

  • [00:13:00] The door is always there, and the door is the easy way and the fly doesn't have to fly harder or faster in order to get out the door. It just needs to pull back from the window and be able to see that the door is there. There's another option. And that option is easier.

  • [00:14:24] We don’t need to drain our life. We don't need to burn ourselves alive in order to keep ourselves warm. That's just not the truth.

  • [00:16:13] The cool thing about quantum leaps in quantum physics is that they do not have logic. They defy logic and they just happen. What if the quantum leap wanted to happen? And you're the thing standing in the way of it? What if you're the thing that's making it hard?

  • [00:19:19] Pick your spot, pick your potion. Where are you going to show up consistently? That's going to be your bread and butter and where your biggest, juiciest stuff happens.

  • [00:19:43] Your stuff is not going to be good all the time. In fact, your stuff is going to be bad a lot.

  • [00:20:07] There are going to be weeks or even months when you’re going to run out of inspiration. We have to stop being so precious and be okay with it being easy.

  • [00:21:08] What matters is showing up consistently, because that creates a trust factor with your community. If you show up every single week, rain or shine, your community knows that they can trust you.

  • [00:23:06] Consistency vs. high-quality content. Consistency means showing up, and it also means consistency of content. People should know what they're going to get from you.

  • [00:23:28] Pick one platform or one vertical that you're going to focus on, and that's going to be your jam. Take your content from that main platform and repurpose it across the other channels. Make it really easy for them to say yes to you, and make it easy for them to find you.

  • [00:25:04] Make content consistently on the same platform every week. That will change your life. Repurposing your content across different platforms is a no-brainer.

  • [00:26:40] Create a productized service. Turn your service into a product. The key to doing that is creating a framework around your service because you need to make that service repeatable at scale.

  • [00:27:04] When you reach more people, you can help more people. You can have more ease without doing necessarily more work. And you're still helping people, which a win-win.

  • [00:28:17] Quick recap on The Four Pillars of Intuitive Business.

  • [00:29:02] The more I talk about them, the more you understand. That creates even more credibility in what I do. - Michelle

  • [00:29:45] You don't need to worry about sounding repetitive or redundant. Don't be worried about your content being in lots of different places. We all learn in different ways.

  • [00:32:58] Join PCCL. Doors officially opens on April 19th

  • [00:33:05] Early bird rate is available!

  • [00:32:35] End of podcast.
