Friday Philosophies: Taylor Swift’s Rituals for Collaboration and Inspiration
Welcome to the first episode in our new weekly series, Friday Philosophies.
Join us each Friday as we explore the mental models, frameworks, and rituals of creative baddies, and dive into our favorite philosophies to uncover the peculiarities and common threads between them.
This week, we’re peeking behind the curtain into the mind of the prolific Taylor Swift, to muse on the rituals and divergent strategies that have guided her career so far.
In this episode, we cover:
What rituals guide Taylor’s approach to songwriting
How to nurture the mystical and inexplicable moments when a fully formed idea pops into your head
Her preferred morning routine and transition into creative work
Her philosophies on collaboration and finding inspiration
What ritual has kept you in creative flow lately? Let us know and send us a DM on Instagram or send us a voice note here!
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Framework Fridays: A new podcast series discussing viral phenomena with Michelle and Wallis
Unlocking creativity, exploring frameworks, and paradigms
Expanding perspectives: The importance of diverse problem-solving approaches
Uncovering Taylor Swift's intelligence and quirkiness
Unpacking Taylor Swift's creative genius: A deep dive into her songwriting and success
Morning routines of successful people
How starting your day right can boost productivity
The power of note-taking and inspiration
Crafting melodies and lyrics from life
The album that earned Taylor Swift legions of new fans
Exploring Taylor Swift's artistic evolution from songwriting to poetry
Michelle's experience with the Oura ring: A game-changer for health and sleep
Mixing structure and spontaneity: Inside Taylor Swift's songwriting process
The power of the muse
Taylor Swift's philosophy of letting go: The art of discarding what doesn't serve the song
Embracing honesty and failure
Perfectionism and the universe: Exploring Taylor Swift's philosophy
Unpacking Taylor Swift's self-trust and savvy approach to creativity
The resilient and independent spirit who overcame difficult times