Holiday Survival Kit: Our Most Downloaded Episodes This Year

Welcome to a lil’ two part heavy hitter series we are calling “Holiday Survival Kit”. This time of year is, duh, full of cheer and all, but it can also be a very stressful and pressure filled season.

That’s why as part one in this series, we’re taking the way back machine, and serving up our top five most downloaded and shared episodes of the year, which will hopefully help to soothe and/or distract you from some of the harder parts of the holiday season.



The reason that Monday Hour One works is because of the philosophy underneath it or the concepts underneath it.
— Michelle Pellizzon
You are so valuable that you are invaluable. We can’t even put a price on you innately.
— Michelle Pellizzon
The truth is like, you’re lovable, because of all of your messy middle illness, because of all your failures, because of all your mess ups. Because of all your weirdness. You are lovable.
— Michelle Pellizzon
You really shouldn’t try to extract value from every single thing that you do. You should make art just to make art.
— Michelle Pellizzon
It takes more than an hour to get into flow state. It’s the option to focus on one concept and one concept alone for an extended period of time.
— Michelle Pellizzon
Sometimes you actually need to do something entirely different to extend your mind in a direction that you really couldn’t conceive.
— Wallis
    • Three concepts you must understand before beginning to apply Monday Hour One

    • Procrastination as a form of perfectionism and as a form of self-harm

    • Respecting the concept of time while also playing with it

    • Money beliefs and squiggly brains

    • Why people with squiggly brains may have a meaning-making system that has previously worked for them but is no longer effective.

    • Investigating our own money beliefs, which may or may not be true

    • When your passion becomes the source of your stress

    • When returning to something solely for the sake of joy, comfort, or even contentment isn't enough

    • The ability to focus on one concept and only one concept for an extended period of time

    • The five energy types. Projectors, Manifestor, Manifesting Generators, Generators, and Reflectors

    • Why having a to-do list without different levels of priority can be detrimental to your productivity

    • Organizing your tasks during Monday Hour One

    • What is procrastination?

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