Inspired Creators: Creator Archetypes pt. 2

Welcome to our fourth episode in our six-part series on Inspired Creators, where we’re musing on recovering from burnout, embodying your ideal creator archetype, finding your energetic creation wave, and what the Witch Wound has to do with our intuition and creative output.

This week we’re digging into our Creator Archetypes pt 2. If you missed part one, you can get caught up here! We developed these archetypes to help you find the perfect content strategy for your unique skills, so you can actually get paid to create and prevent future burnout. 💸🎨

Join us IRL in April for Quantum Con


Get Shit Done Weekend!


Join us IRL in April for Quantum Con 〰️ Get Shit Done Weekend! 〰️

Everything informs everything, so as a writer, you should always know what’s happening globally because whether it happens subconsciously or consciously, you’re going to be integrating what’s happening culturally into your work.
— Wallis quoting from Shonda Rhimes’s masterclass
Sometimes, when you get so big, you also become unrelatable.
— Michelle Pellizzon Lipsitz
It’s an art to know when to give what attention to which one at which time, and that takes a lot of practice.
— Wallis Millar-Blanchaer
If you are a creator, your work needs to be shared and experienced by the world to have an impact. So hiding it away in your cabin or closet, that’s the opposite of the point.
— Michelle Pellizzon Lipsitz
One of the most valuable things about archetypes is that they make you feel less alone.
— Michelle Pellizzon Lipsitz
I feel a sense of freedom when I know that my archetype can evolve.
— Michelle Pellizzon Lipsitz
The beautiful thing about archetypes is that they show us the solutions and the pathways from where we are to where we want to go, or what could potentially come next.
— Michelle Pellizzon Lipsitz
Your empire is like a crystal. There are different facets that represent different perspectives on the same idea that you’re exploring.
— Michelle Pellizzon Lipsitz

Show Notes

  • The two archetypes that we're talking about today: the empire-building futurist and the hermit

  • The empire-building futurist described

  • How much time do you spend reading the news every morning?

  • Following your curiosities and investing in your passions

  • Difference between the trend-spotting evolutionary and the empire-building futurist

  • The empire-building futurist when they're out of balance

  • Catastrophic burnout — how to avoid it?

  • When you're not listening to yourself and not caught up in your own hype

  • The importance of boundaries and how not having one may lead to bad partnership choices

  • What's the strategy for an empire-building futurist?

  • How can we create real connections over the internet or in real life?

  • The difference between the stoic and the empire-building futurist

  • Our final archetype: the hermit

  • The archetype that falls out of balance the most

  • The Hermit archetype when out of balance

  • The strategy for someone who's a hermit

  • The archetypal journey

  • What to do if we don't like the archetypal journey that comes?

  • What strategies you might want to take on in order to find success?

  • Overview of what we’re talking about over the next couple of weeks

Resources and People Mentioned