Intuitive Business Tea: Digital Campfires, Cold Calling and Finding Purpose in Uncertainty


Episode Description

Today Michelle is riffing on called-in questions from our community ranging from, which intuitive business should you start? What does it take to build an engaged community from scratch? How do you ensure your business is participating in spiritual activism? What's the difference between audience and community? How to create engaged digital campfires, and so much more!

Covered in this episode:

  • How your business can support BIPOC in spiritual activism

  • How to center impact in your business growth plans

  • The power of micro-communities and digital campfires

  • Finding clarity when deciding on when to start a business

  • How to keep your community engaged

  • What to prioritize when starting your intuitive business

Check out our free Recession Proof Skills Workshop

Join us in The Cusp here and the free Holisticism Hub here!

We hope you enjoy the episode and don't be shy! HUP with your thoughts and Q's by texting us @ +1 818-699-9735. We'd love to hear from you!

How can I make sure that my business is fully supporting spiritual activism and spiritual activists, especially black indigenous and people of color? I'm starting a human design business, and I want to make sure that I'm reading the charts of current and future activists to inspire and encourage them to believe in themselves and make the changes that they came here to make. — Mackenzie

How do you build feedback into your creative process? How do you do this in a natural or organic way, and how do you make it so that the person who is giving the feedback feels seen and that they can really be critical or honest about the feedback they're giving? - Jamie

How do I contact somebody that I had no communication with before, but would love to work with without coming across sales-y, or like I'm trying to get something from them? - Hannah Lee

I'm someone with so many ideas and desires for what I want to create. I also have a very overactive mind, so it can be hard to focus on one thing. How do I choose what to start when it comes to creating an intuitive business?

Listen to the episode on Apple PodcastsSpotify, AnchorBreakerGoogle Podcasts, Pocket Casts, and RadioPublic


If you enjoyed hearing questions answered by our community, check out "Projector Secrets, Sobriety and the Akashic Records, Using Mercury Energy in Your Business! Q+A with Michelle Pellizzon" where we answer your Q's about:

  • Running a business as a projector in Human Design

  • Organizing your life as a freelancer

  • Her most powerful nighttime routines

  • The best books she's read in 2020

  • How to use Mercury energy in your natal chart and in your business

  • Navigating sobriety and the Akashic Records


  • [00:02:19] Michelle is answering Q+A questions from her bathtub

  • [00:02:37] Question from Mackenzie: How can I make sure that my business is fully supporting spiritual activism and spiritual activists, especially black indigenous and people of color?

  • [00:03:20] Michelle talks about the four pillars of intuitive business: growth, revenue, retention, and impact

  • [00:04:35] Michelle shared the book written by Rachel Ricketts, an activist in the wellness space --- called “Do The Work”

  • [00:06:18] Let's ask ourselves, are we making this easy for someone who is already marginalized by society to not experience marginalization?

  • [00:06:36] Start thinking about building impact into the DNA of your business

  • [00:06:56] If you are the root of your business, then whatever blooms and blossoms from you are going to have some of your essence

  • [00:07:24] Don't be afraid to show it to other people and to show up and to make mistakes… We need to just be okay in making mistakes and be okay with sometimes being wrong and being able to come forward and say, ‘actually I changed my mind on this perspective now that I know better.’ And to do that really authentically and without self-flagellation

  • [00:08:34] We learn through making mistakes. That's how we become more human. It's how we have more empathy for each other

  • [00:08:49] The most important step in building spiritual activism into your business is doing the work yourself and talking about it in a way that feels authentic to you

  • [00:09:49] Make sure that the space you're creating is safe for the people that you want to invite in

  • [00:10:16] Ask the people that you're trying to call in and you're trying to support, ask them what they need

  • [00:10:22] Michelle shared what she thought was the biggest lesson she’s learned, which is assuming that we know the answers, but we’re usually wrong because we’re limited in our perception and our understanding

  • [00:10:55] You might not be able to do everything you want to do immediately, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't start. Start with what you've got, and build on from there. I say this a lot, “start with simplicity to grow up to complexity.”

  • [00:12:03] If you're waiting for the grand plan to come together, you're just going to be waiting for the rest of your life. So just get started, start simple, start small, start slow, and be resilient, and keep going

  • [00:12:20] Question from Jamie: How to build feedback in a more natural or organic way, and how to make that person giving the feedback feel seen and safe, that they can really be critical and honest about the feedback they're giving?

  • [00:13:30] Michelle shared some really good advice she got from a mentor who said, “don't run away from bad news”

  • [00:13:58] If you want to have a successful life, that is constantly growing, evolving, and leveling up, then you have to be open to feedback, and you have to also be open to bad feedback and bad news.

  • [00:14:14] We'd rather get bad news than live in delusion, because if you catch bad news early, then you can pivot earlier in the plan

  • [00:18:39] Michelle recommended setting up a form, such as Google form, to collect honest answers from people

  • [00:19:58] If you get a great review from someone, go out of your way to make them feel special, even if it means having to give them a call

  • [00:20:28] Question from Whitney: How do I find clarity and confidence in building an intuitive business?

  • [00:23:40] Michelle shared her personal experience when she first started holisticism

  • [00:27:04] Question from Diana Siva: How to keep your community engaged?

  • [00:28:08] Michelle encouraged Diana, and anyone else who does the same, since one of the hardest things to do is to identify that there’s a community to be made

  • [00:30:03] Digital Campfire --- a term which Sarah Wilson came up with. It’s a place on the internet where anyone can gather together in space, and where everyone can nurture each other.

  • [00:31:30] Digital campfires can happen anywhere. They can happen on Instagram, Facebook groups, Reddit, WhatsApp threads, and on Twitch, and on Discord servers

  • [00:34:11] What I don't need is someone just telling me the answer. What's most helpful is someone who can empower me to find the answer for myself

  • [00:38:49] Question from Hannah Lee: How do I cold email someone?

  • [00:39:16] Everything is transactional. We live in a transactional world. There's nothing wrong with that

  • [00:39:55] That's the truth. When you're reaching out to someone to work with them, you're not reaching out to be best friends. You're reaching out because you want something that they have because you see value in them

  • [00:46:36] If you have a small business, you have to understand prioritization, and how the prioritization of your users works

  • [00:51:47] Ask yourself: how am I going to make this an important email for someone?

  • [00:56:04] Give a clear directive for how you want people to respond

  • [00:56:41] Question from an anonymous participant: How do I choose what to start when it comes to creating an intuitive business?

  • [00:57:27] To Michelle, everything's important. The best place to start is with what you're most interested in, excited by, and lit up by

  • [00:57:56] The second most important place to start with is in building a community

  • [00:59:05] Last question: How can you continue to move forward when the world feels so uncertain and unclear?

  • [01:00:06] Michelle shared how often she and her partner would talk about uncertainty. She met him after he was diagnosed with brain cancer

  • [01:04:13] I'm here to live, to explore, and do the things that light me up, and inspire me, and excite me, and delight me, and to help other people do that too

  • [01:05:54] You don't need to worry about running the marathon, or about the next hundred years. You just need to worry about the next step in front of you. That's what you can see, and that's what you can control

  • [01:10:54] Announcement: Free classes called “Recession Proof Skills”.

  • [01:11:32] Session 1: Building a Magical Community - March 26, Friday.

  • [01:11:52] Session 2: Profitable Content Creation - April 2, Friday.

  • [01:11:57] Session 3: Conscious Copywriting for Spell Casting - April 9, Friday.

  • [01:12:02] Session 4: Launching Your Own Products, and Being Your Own Boss - April 16, Friday.

  • [01:13:04] Outro of the podcast