Jaz Borri on Discovering Authentic Strategies Through Astrological Insights

In this episode, Michelle sits down with astrologer and coach Jaz Borri to discuss astrology, entrepreneurship, and finding success on your own terms. Jaz offers insights into building a business with soul by focusing on impact over money and scaling through authenticity rather than conformity. She challenges traditional views of success and explains how to develop strategies uniquely suited to your individuality.

Michelle and Jaz debate the differences between coaching and consultancy, addressing authenticity, projections and empowering clients on their own paths.

Tune in to this episode and explore spirituality, human design and how to express your purpose through entrepreneurship while staying true to who you are.

When it comes to astrology, it’s one of those modalities that, on my quest to understand myself on a deeper level and really get to know my purpose, I didn’t quite fully grasp. But what I realized through this quest of trying to understand myself is that it made everything that worked out in my life make sense when I looked at my astrology.
— Jaz Borri

Key Takeaways:

  • Astrology can help uncover your soul's purpose and the gifts or challenges you're meant to experience.

  • Entrepreneurship can be an expression of your soul and what energizes you, not just a career path.

  • Success looks different for everyone and isn't defined by money or validation alone.

  • Authentic self-expression and boundaries are important to avoid burnout and enablement.

  • Human Design reveals how you're meant to experience and share your gifts.

And I only felt a breath of fresh air or breath come into my body when I realized that my purpose wasn’t a job, or to do one thing. I feel my purpose is to experience as much as I possibly can in this human body because that’s what I came here to do: experience the depth and the range of what it is to be a person on this planet.
— Michelle Pellizzon-Lipsitz
If you were searching for a career that is going to help you feel worthy, meaningful, needed, seen, heard, loved, applauded… if you are looking for that, it’s gonna be a very empty solution. It’s gonna feel really empty because your career cannot physically love you. Your business cannot physically love you. It’s like Lady Gaga said, I will never wake up in the morning, and my work will never tell me that it doesn’t love me anymore. It will also never wake you up in the morning and tell you that it does.
— Jaz Borri
I always say, like the laws of success and the path to success, are different and both essential to understand in order to achieve what I like to call, “Holy Fuck Success” — the kind of success that makes you think, What the heck, how did this happen to me? We all desire to be successful. And the reason I own this is because I truly believe we live in a better or happier world when we’re all successful, whatever that means to you. Success to my mom versus success to me looks very, very different, you know, versus, you know, generationally, geographically. We all have our own definition of success.
— Jaz Borri




It’s always been about, “How can I help those people,” right? Anyone who I’m out to help. But what I’ve had to learn over and over again is that it’s not always the way I think is right. I know what I know because of my experience, and I can present what I know. I can say, “This is what I’ve seen, let me speak from my perspective. This is what’s worked for me, this is what I’ve seen work for other people. Here are the strategies, here’s how you can try them out, here’s how to do them.” But at the end of the day, it’s up to you to actually implement them. I can’t go and write for you, or copyright for you, or whatever it is. And what works for me might not work for you.
— Michelle Pellizzon-Lipsitz
Enabling involves allowing people not to think for themselves, like permitting them to switch off their brains and simply coast while being guided through. And listen, you can make a lot of money if you do that with people, right? It’s akin to what a cult leader does. I’m not saying that everyone who does that is a cult leader. But effectively, that’s what a cult leader does, right? They ask you to switch off your brain and let them do the thinking, outsourcing the thinking for you. Empowering someone is way harder because that’s what coaching is, right? It’s like a consultant versus a coach.
— Michelle Pellizzon-Lipsitz
Your purpose is to be yourself. Your purpose is to express what your soul came here to express and to be successful at it. Like Buddhists will tell us, we’re all here to suffer. And I don’t necessarily agree with that. But I think that suffering is inevitable. However, I don’t think we’re here solely to suffer. You know, I think we’re here to be successful, to experience joy and love. And you have your own unique way of doing that, and what that looks like for you. Unlocking that and understanding it is so incredible when you discover new pieces, but the journey itself is quite a lot, which is where I come in. I mean, I can help you, support you, and guide you. But regardless, it’s still a really wild ride. And it’s pretty cool and fun. When you fully dedicate yourself to understanding what your soul came here to be and pursuing it.
— Jaz Borri
    • How astrology aid Jaz to understand her soul's purpose and gifts beyond what she was conditioned to believe

    • Entrepreneurship as an expression of who you are, not solely a career

    • Your purpose to authentically manifest your soul through experiences, not just achieve one specific outcome

    • Diverse perspectives on success

    • Focusing on impact over profits and cultivating sustainable success through flow states

    • Developing business strategies suited to your individual astrological chart

    • Empowerment through coaching, solutions through consultancy

    • Setting boundaries to avoid burnout from taking on others' projections and expectations

    • Embracing authenticity and navigating unpopularity on your Astrological journey

    • Revealing, experiencing, and sharing your innate gifts through Human Design

    • Expressing your soul purpose through entrepreneurship in a way that honors your chart

    • Overcoming limiting beliefs through shadow work to fulfill your spiritual potential

    • Embracing projections as opportunities for your clients' and your own growth

    • Discovering authentic strategies by reflecting on your astrological insights

    • Your purpose beyond short-term goals and validation from others

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