Running A Business As A Manifesting Generator: Hayley Wood, Therapeutic Skin Coach

Running A Business As A Manifesting Generator.jpg

There are a million ways to live in purpose, on purpose.

And there’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to doing your thing — especially when it comes to running your own business. In fact, the methodology behind Human Design points directly to the idea that there are five different types that work synergistically to make the world spin ‘round.

We’re featuring five different entrepreneurs, creatives, and business owners to learn more about how they utilize (or don’t!) their Human Design strategies in their day-to-day work. Keep scrolling to meet our second entrepreneur, holistic esthetician Hayley Wood.

Hey, what’s up, hello

Tell us about yourself.

I'm Hayley Wood aka Therapeutic Skin Coach and dog mom to @huskyjosie

Where do you live?

I've lived in Los Angeles, CA for 7 years and have found myself in a neighborhood named Beachwood Canyon tucked in the East Hollywood hills right under the Hollywood sign for 3 1/2 of those years. Super quaint and quiet for Hollywood with lots of dog-friendly folks.

What's your title on your email signature?

Just Hayley Wood with links to my social and a photo of my logo, but should probably say Holistic Esthetician and Founder of Therapeutic Skin Coach. I'll work on it. 

What do your parents think you do?

After 13 years, they can finally remember esthetician but I've not been able to get them to properly explain what that is. So now entrepreneur or business owner is a little more of the go-to descriptor for them. They do reach out to me about any health questions they have and they call me doctor Hayley so they know that I'm connected to the health field through holistic skincare.

How do you describe your work?

My work is honestly my life's calling to help teach self-worth through skin health. Whether it's through online platforms of social media and education courses or within my holistic facial practice here in Los Angeles, I take every opportunity to teach my clients and followers how to feel empowered by the skin's ability to communicate with us about our internal health and emotional well-being.

Let’s Get to the Good Stuff: Your Human Design

Your Type: Manifesting Generator

You Inner Authority: Sacral

Your Profile: Heretic Investigator (5/1)

When did you first find out about your Human Design type?

I discovered it about a year and a half ago after listening to an interview with Jenna Zoe. From there, I learned a lot through the Holisticism newsletter and one of my dear friends who loves studying it. We have a similar chart so she helps me better understand what it all means.

How did it make you feel at first?

I really didn't think much of it at first because it felt like there were aspects of it that I just didn't understand. I'm still pretty new to the overall concept but the baseline information really resonated.

Were you living by your design already?

I certainly have been as an entrepreneur. What I really leaned into though was how if I don't absolutely want to say yes to something, I shouldn't otherwise it would deplete my energy. I have grown up to be a people pleaser so learning this about myself helped me realize that I am better off just doing what my intuition says YES to only. I could always reason with myself on why I should do something but not necessarily if I wanted to or not. My compass for it has changed for the better. 

How do you feel about it now?

Since my work is truly based on intuition, it feels best to me to honor it. If I ever doubt myself or try to reason myself out of a decision, the universe usually shows me pretty quickly how to get back on course with my intuition.

What's your favorite part of being a MG?

That I can conquer a to-do list like no other. Especially projects that I dream up! How I can have a thought and it becomes reality still blows me away sometimes.  

Least favorite?

I know that there are tons of things that I will have to do that I don't want to do and so I just have to deal with the fact that those are going to be physically draining activities for me. If I plan ahead, I can work my self-care into my schedule around the items that I know are not intuitive to me.

Your Type and Your Work — Finding a Balance

How does knowing your type help you with work?

Absolutely. Knowing my type helps me navigate my work because it helps me remember that the exchange of energy has to bring me joy. If I'm not excited about a project, that means I have to reassess and realign.

Do you do things differently (plan your schedule, hire certain employees of other types, etc.)?

The part that I struggle the most with is my schedule actually. Because I'm in a service-oriented business, the busier I am the better right? But often my intuition can't plan out months of facials in advance. So some days I'm not as tuned in as I would like because I'm following a schedule instead of my body signals. I just try to be as loving with myself as possible and just remind myself to do my best for the day.

How many hours a week do you work?

21-28 hours a week with clients, depending on the week. Plus at least 3 hours a day writing, creating content, emailing clients, mentoring estheticians, and following up on all other things that a business owner will navigate. 

What does your schedule look like?

I work every day but Saturday. Work usually starts as soon as I get back from my walk with my dog around 7:30 am and then goes until 7 or 7:30 pm after my last facial. Two days out of the week I am usually done with clients at 4 so I just rest for the remainder of the day. 

What's easiest for you when it comes to your work or role?

There's a moment when I first start working a client where they get quiet and I can lull them into a nice parasympathetic state through an intentional facial massage. It requires me to breathe and meditate myself a little bit. Once I'm there, it's just like a dance where I get to intuitively work my magic on them as they become really receptive to receiving my energy. People will then wake up and feel as though they've had a long, refreshing nap!

What's the hardest part of your work?

The social media aspect. I am a pre-social media esthetician so there are certain boundaries that I still don't resonate with, like taking photos while I'm in a facial. I know that's the content that my followers would love but it doesn't feel right to me. Plus, creating content can be exhausting unless you're inspired. So I try not to push myself as much as I used to when I was first starting with newsletters, blogs, features for other publications etc.  

What's something that you're still working on when it comes to understanding yourself and how to work with your natural areas of genius or areas of opportunity :) ?

It just dawned on me this year that I have a very specific learning style when it comes to scientific information. I don't necessarily absorb it completely when I'm in a class atmosphere where testing is involved. I have to immediately apply the information in order for it to click for me. Instead of getting anxious because I am trying to keep in a ton of incoming knowledge on whatever subject I'm studying, I have to remember that the pieces come together differently for me and that doesn't make me any less intelligent. I had a really hard time with some testing in a class on the lymphatic system because I've never been great at tests. But as soon as I passed and got back in my treatment room, the material just flowed out of me so much more naturally.

What advice would you give to other MG as they explore their purpose in life and in their careers?

It's as simple as listening to your gut. When I've silenced my signaling in the past, my body would physically react. Maybe not all MGs are like this, but when you follow your intuition (and strenghten it along the way) you are going to wake up one day and realize you're living your dream. So don't make acceptions unless you want to learn the same lesson over and over again that your intuition is your ultimate guidance.

Want to learn more about your Human Design?
Grab our virtual training,
Human Design 101.