Running A Business As A Projector: Millana Snow, Wellness Official

Running A Business As A Projector.jpg

There are a million ways to live in purpose, on purpose.

And there’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to doing your thing — especially when it comes to running your own business. In fact, the methodology behind Human Design points directly to the idea that there are five different types that work synergistically to make the world spin ‘round.

We’re featuring five different entrepreneurs, creatives, and business owners to learn more about how they utilize (or don’t!) their Human Design strategies in their day-to-day work. Keep scrolling to meet our next entrepreneur, Projector Milana Snow.

Full disclosure: In a world that’s tried to pit us against each other, Milana and I have become friends, allies, and fangirls. I am such a Milana stan. Follow her and @wellnessofficial and support her at every turn. She’s instrumental to the future of the wellness space and I’m delighted to call her a friend. - Michelle, founder of Holisticism

Hey, what’s up, hello

Tell us about yourself.

I’m Millana Snow, I am an energy healer, speaker and founder of Wellness Official.

Where do you live?

I live in Silverlake on the east side of LA!

What's your title on your email signature?

Founder and CEO

What do your parents think you do?

I would say at least my mom is pretty clear on what I do, she has been to many of my talks in the past year!

How do you describe your work?

I work to bring wellness to as many people possible through social media, connecting people, brands and practitioners online and in real life.

Let’s Get to the Good Stuff: Your Human Design

Your Type: Projector

You Inner Authority: Splenic 

Your Profile: 4/6

When did you first find out about your Human Design type?

I was so relieved to understand my experience as a projector. Over the years I had sooo many painful experiences where I was very much turning people off, feeling unseen or even gravely misunderstood and now I know that it’s because I must be invited, that my energy field is inherently penetrating and that being able to SEE someone is often not so nice of one doesn’t want you to see certain aspects.

How did it make you feel at first?

I’m so grateful, it really resonates with me and something I do my best to remember and practice. I really have to hang back and let people recognize me instead of asserting or approaching even though I have the best intentions. This work helps me remember this, to know that this strategy really does work best for me.

How do you feel about it now?

I’m so grateful, it really resonates with me and something I do my best to remember and practice. I really have to hang back and let people recognize me instead of asserting or approaching even though I have the best intentions. This work helps me remember this, to know that this strategy really does work best for me.

What's your favorite part of being a Projector?

I love that my type’s signature is success! I find this is definitely true when I follow my strategy. I also love that we have a way of seeing people really deeply.

Least favorite?

My Not-Self theme, bitterness — yikes, it’s really hurt not being seen or understood over the years. I’ve really had to heal that since learning about this.

Your Type and Your Work — Finding a Balance

How does knowing your type help you with work?

It’s definitely helped me with how I reach out to my clients, partners and audience. I know now to share instead of sell. I know to be more relaxed and focused on increasing my energy and self, I think HD helps all types remember this.

How many hours a week do you work?

Aw, this has been really tough for me. I don’t work normal hours and often it’s hard for me to really know what work is. I would say I work anywhere between 20-50hrs a week depending on what is happening. Much of my work is phone calls or meeting that are still fun or happen while I’m walking of out at a class. It’s a gap between doing part-time work because I’m travelling so much or being at home and working a ton of overtime.

What does your schedule look like?

It depends if I’m travelling or at home. I travel at least two-three times a month most months so when I’m gone my schedule is totally different depending on where I am, who I’m with and what work I’m doing. When I’m home, I tend to make Monday’s more chill and about cleaning and self-care, taking a client or two some weeks. My prime time workdays are Tue-Thursday. I get up before 7:30, practice my morning rituals, workout, walk Aria and by 10/10:30 I start working. I take calls and breaks while on a walk throughout the day and then have calls as late as 8/9/10 pm with my dev team.

What's easiest for you when it comes to your work or role?

I love people. Whenever I get to work with people and meet with them in person it’s fun for me. Speaking and facilitating I’m healing is also the best thing I get to do in life.

What's the hardest part of your work?

I have to be a businesswoman that has to put on a very organizational, methodical hat often. That is less natural for me. I’m more the big thinker, synthesizer and collaborator connecting the dots.

What's something that you're still working on when it comes to understanding yourself and how to work with your natural areas of genius or areas of opportunity :) ?

I’m still working on creating systems and structures to organize, communicate and execute my larger visions at scale.

What advice would you give to other MG as they explore their purpose in life and in their careers?

Wait for those invitations by glowing up. Take care of you and shine that light then let the invitations follow. Also, you can still keep people updated -letting them know you’re there and what you’re offering... but leave it there. If they are your people and they want to understand you, they will come. Leave the rest.

Want to learn more about your Human Design?
Grab our virtual training,
Human Design 101.