Mindful Money Frameworks for Squiggly-brained intuitives with Chioma

This month we’re sitting down with guests to talk about the big M word. That's right, money, honey. And all how we relate to, avoid relating to and hate relating to it. Yikes! That sounds heavy, but luckily in this episode, we’re joined by the wonderful Mindful Bookkeeper, Chioma.

Ever so mindful and Zen, Chioma somehow makes talking about personal and biz-related finance easy, breezy, and less filled with anxiety.






I never noticed what I had or what my experiences, how good I’m doing. I never pat myself on the back. And I think we need to do that more often. So that was really the turning point for me where it’s like, okay, I’M OKAY.
— Chioma
I never stopped to think about what it is that I truly want and need. To me, need and want tend to be the same thing — I don’t separate them anymore, but I never thought about what I wanted. It was always what I’m supposed to do.
— Chioma
If you have a human assistance, that person is really not to shame you… Whatever is your “shortcomings”, that person is supposed to be strong in that area.
— Chioma
All problems really are fixable in some way. And sometimes you can’t see the answer, but somebody else can.
— Michelle Pellizzon
It’s like you start to rip open these holes in the universe or portals that end up being those quantum leaps where instead you were just waiting to stumble upon them, and then you start to make them happen.
— Michelle Pellizzon

    • The misconception about working with a financial professional and why many people are afraid to hire an accountant or bookkeeper

    • What it’s like to be working your ass out, yet still not living a financially secured life — and how to get out of that cycle

    • Chioma shared her philosophy for friendships

    • Living paycheck to paycheck, then suddenly losing your source of income, people won’t hire you… — what could be worse?

    • How the book Profit First by Mike Michalowicz works for Chioma’s Yoga teaching class and money mindset in general

    • Recover from money downfall through the support building system, through avoiding pitfalls, and through moving forward

    • Why treating yourself with a cup of coffee isn’t to blame for your struggle of money

    • Why so many successful business owners are not great at managing money

    • Mindset and action — remembering who you are, you know, and practicing that!

    • When your upbringing has a totally different view, how to unlearn, and develop and act on a newly adapted philosophy

    • How you spend your time and money reflects your priorities

    • Chioma’s controversial idea about how budgeting can be helpful for squiggly-brained intuitive

    • Out of sight, out of mind — when you can't see that money, you can't spend it!

Resources and People Mentioned